At ACP, we view a “BOTTOM-UP” investing strategy as a complete customized solution that integrates investments discipline that is at the intersection of:

  • Attractive financial attributes;
  • Strong corporate governance; and
  • Personal values, causes, and objectives.
As an institution, our focus goes beyond just solid financial performance. The strategies we roll out take into consideration the impact they have on society and the environment to support long-term growth.

To understand their business better, our approach to how we engage stakeholders that we work with – Detailed, Stringent and Rigorous. We spare no effort to scour the SEA region for the ‘RIGHT’ transaction(s) that have lucrative growth potential and, at the same time, support sustainable yet innovative business models while considering how they impact the wider stake stakeholders.

We aim to achieve a certain ALPHA and deliver returns in excess of market benchmark by investing opportunistically. ACP will source for ‘structured’ PE deals with ESG-driven companies that demonstrate workable solutions with inherent sustainable characteristics for Shariah investor.

Accrete Capital Partners Pte. Ltd
